Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Poemcuu :)

By: Kaye Antonette Uba

When I was a child
I always had been told about fairytales in a mild.
Castles and magic
There are all fantastic.

Fairytale is a world of fantasy,
That all I wanted to see,
Everything is amazing,
And I can’t keep my eyes dancing.

Love, friendship and family,
Are present in a fairytale beautifully.
In a fairytale everything are perfect
All creatures are charming including the insects.

When I think about fairytales,
I always thought to be the princess getting an invitation from a mail.
Says, “you are desperately invited”
And me, extremely excited.

But as far as we know,
This imagination would expectedly say “no”.
You and I are living in a reality,
And should accept the world’s personality.

Well, even without those fairytales characteristics,
This world of ours is romantic.
I have my bunch of friends,
And family to defend.

Having them is not perfect
But they are the right persons to reflect.
In them I can find the real magic.
Captures my soul seems to be electric.

As this tale of life ends,
Flies the new start of trends.
Sunset finds this female,
And for having this, I firmly believe that there is “fairytale”.

I wrote this poem when I was in my 2nd year  days. (witwew..)
TAKE NOTE: More poems to come !!!! wuahahahaha :D

Emotions Lived by: kayeantonette

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