Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Poetry Ananlysis/Comparative Analysis

Kaye Antonette F. Uba                                                                      Contemporary Literature
BSED-English 3                                                                                 Prof. Emperatriz Rabat
Poetry Analysis
“Night of the Scorpion”
            The poem “Night of the Scorpion” is written by Nissim Ezekiel. The poem tells us about the extreme love of a mother towards her children. It is an interesting thing about the poem because the author narrates it from the point of view of a child who was purely an observer. First person is used (I remember) at the start as it is told from a personal reflection-something that really happened. However he does not give his own feelings or reactions to what happens. He is merely the narrator. Most of the poem is in the third person as Ezekiel reports on what other people do and say. The focus of the poem keeps shifting thus emphasizing the role of the narrator as the observer/viewer of what is happening.
            The situation of the poem is in the author’s personal account of his memory of his mother being stung by a scorpion when he was a child. It represents an incident in the past when the poet’s mother was bitten by a scorpion. It was a rainy night when the scorpion was found beneath a sack of rice in their house. This poem shows a typical Indian mother, rural superstition and practice.
            There are conflicts about the poem, it is to tame or to cure the poison from the bitten part of his mother and to look for the scorpion because the Indian people believed that whenever the scorpion moved, it’s poison moved in his mother’s blood.
            The extended image of comparing the neighbors to pests/flies suggests that the poet sees the neighbors as an annoyance more than anything else. It highlights a negative attitude towards them. The neighbor’s candles and lanterns throw giant scorpion shadows on the walls. Again Ezekiel is suggesting that the neighbors are like the scorpion- predators that prey on other people’s misfortune. There is a contrast between the neighbor’s peace of understanding in the line 31 and the mother who is twisted…groaning on a mat in line 35. It is ironic that they are at peace while she is in discomfort.
            It is a narrative poem because it is told as a story. It is a free verse, with lines of varying lengths and no rhyme scheme, one long stanza and one very short stanza. The final stanza is a comment from the mother. In the line 3 he uses personification, “steady rain had driven him describing the scorpion; the scorpion is given human characteristics. In line 17, 18, 20 and 22 “they said” repetition of the phrase ‘they said’ undermines/makes little of the neighbor’s comments, as it implies that all of them are making different comments that mean nothing and are of no help. It makes fun of their views. In line 34 and 35 “twisted through and throughmother’s suffering emphasized by use of alliteration.
            Within the poem he also uses alliteration in the second stanza to describe the moment of the sting: Parting with his poison, he alludes to evil in the phrase”diabolic tail”, comparing the scorpion to the devil. Ezekiel uses simile, like “swarms of flies” to describe the number and behavior. He states that they “buzzed” the name of the God repeatedly, the onomatopoeia enabling us to “hear” the constant noise they made. Onomatopoeia is use again as the poet says that these people “clicked their tongues” when they did not found the scorpion. He included a form of repetitive pattern in which he remembers the arrival of “more candles, more lanterns, more neighbors and more insects”, and the endless rain in the seventh stanza. He also describes how “I watched the flame feeding on my mother”, personifying the fire and the word flame feeding uses alliteration. Throughout the poem Ezekiel has used simple, common language in exact place.
            Night of the Scorpion is the title of the poem because it is an interpretation of the author when his mother was stung by a scorpion in rainy evening. Its significance is to help the readers identify what the poem all about and uses this title to show the power and influence of the scorpion on the villagers (peasants), mother, father and himself during this one night. It has the characteristic of irony and even a hint but what catches our attention is the vivacity or the liveliness of the description. The title gives us the idea of having the scorpion a big role in the poem. The scorpion symbolizes the belief of the Indian people and how they undergo with the situation. It opens the poem that makes the people go around and focus on the scorpion. Here is a  paragraph in which I briefly summarize the poem.
            It was a rainy night. The nonstop ten hours rains have driven a scorpion to creel beneath a sack of rice to keep itself dry. The scorpion after stinging at the toe of the poet’s mother with its poisonous tale left the place quickly and went again into the pouring rain. At the cries of his mother on that rainy night the neighboring peasants flocked to the poet’s house like a swarm of bees with lanterns and candles. They started to look for the scorpion but they did not find it. They felt deep concern for the old lady suffering from the scorpion bite. They now clicked their tongues and prayed to God to make the scorpion paralyzed. It was the belief that every movement made by the scorpion will lead the poison to his mother’s blood.
            The superstitious peasants believed that the previous activities of scene is to be burnt away by the sufferings of the peasants or the present suffering will free one to feel no pain the next birth. The pain is the equalizer of the hope in this temporal world. So the ignorant peasants wished that the poison must purify the poet’s mother’s body and soul. They wished that her body should be free from all material desires and should be placed above all ambitions. The poet’s father believed in reason and logic. He applied his ability to relieve his wife’s pain. He poured some paraffin upon the bitten toe and put a flash of match-stick to it. Even a holy man was called but everything is in vain; nothing happens or likes to be happened. After twenty hours the old lady got relief from the pain and she thanked God that the scorpion did not sting her children.
            The Night of the Scorpion is not a poem of a simple incident in the life of poet’s mother; rather it is the author’s purpose of writing a poem of Indian culture, belief, attitude, view point and superstition. It presents brilliantly the inner relationship between individual families to the neighboring community and how a mother loved her children unconditionally. It is a poem showing how a mother would sacrifice her own sake for the goodness of her children and the sweetest part in the poem is generally acknowledged that a mother is ready to suffer all types of pain and tortures with a smiling face, but she will not bear any pain imposed on her children.
My mother only said
Thank God the scorpion picked on me
And spare my children

“Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan”
            The poem “Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan”, is written by Moniza Alvi, a poem is about how the writer is torn between her Pakistani and British culture. It is written in the first person point of view which helps give it a confessional. The poem is written in the past as the poet is remembering the memories. When people are remembering things their minds often drift from one image to another in the way that the poem does.
             The poem is written to express how she is confused about her identity and how she has seemed to have lost it. This poem expresses her confusion in her search for her identity. The traditional clothes that her aunts sent her from Pakistan are a symbol of a part of her, but only a part of her, and one that she does not feel entirely comfortable with. It happens when the young girl in the poem is describing gifts that were sent to her in England from Pakistan.
             There are conflicts in the poem this is where the girl's two cultures begin to clash in the poem. As the girl tries on "stain-silken top" at home, she notices how the Pakistani style of the clothes seems out of place in her English "sitting room". She uses the word "alien" to emphasize how strange the clothes look and feel in these surroundings. She also feels slightly intimidated by the gorgeous clothes saying she: "could never be as lovely /as those clothes," the clothes also seem the make the girl embarrassed so that she blushes: "my costume clung to me /and I was a flame”.
            The opening line of this poem, “They sent me a salwar kameez”, sets up an image of detachment and distance from her aunts, who are referenced in the title, and the other family members who still live in her homeland. In the first line “They” refers back to her aunts and shows how they must send her items from her native culture because she is too far away to visit and is becoming detached from her Pakistani culture by living and growing up in England.
            The glass bangle that “drew blood” is an image used to show that the speaker feels uncomfortable trying on her presents from Pakistan. She also mentions feeling ‘‘alien’’, ‘half-English’ and having no fixed nationality which are direct statements about the poet’s conflict of identity.
            The poem has a narrative structure and tells a story of living in an alien culture which means that the author has no fixed nationality. The poet has chosen to write in free verse and without a rhyming scheme in order to give the poem its natural feeling.
             The poet uses both similes and metaphors in the poem to describe both the clothes, the narrator’s feelings when she tries them on.  The lines Candy - striped glass bangles snapped, drew blood”, is symbolic of how her tradition harms the poet. The clothes and jewellery are not practical for life in the West. I tried each satin-silken top - was alien in the sitting-room, the clothes represent paradox or contradiction. She admires the clothes but feel they are too exotic for her.My costume clung to me and I was aflame is a metaphor for the discomfort she is feeling. She wants to wear the clothes but as she is half-English, she feels she can not. My mother cherished her jewellery - Indian gold, dangling, filigree.   But it was stolen from our car”, this event is symbolic of the difficulties of changing from one culture to another. no fixed nationality, the poet has no real sense of belongingness.
            This is a poem specifically about the poet's feelings and attitudes. Moniza Alvi, as a young girl, felt a mixture of emotions about her cultural identity: Wonder, excitement, failure, guilt, confusion, attraction, fear, discomfort, and alienation there are many emotions common to teenagers. The tone of the poem throughout is between her positive thoughts and her negative thoughts about her Pakistani background. She is confused about the two cultures. Her first comment about her gift from her Aunts, her clothing received, is used through a simile to emphasize the beauty of the clothes.
            The poem uses a lot of visual detail to make us see the brightness and color of Pakistan. The use of visual detail is appropriate in a poem about how someone sees themselves. The personal nature of the poem is shown by the number of times the poet uses the pronouns “I”, or “my”. The form of the poem is irregular, with lines starting at different places, and being of different lengths. This creates a slightly unsettled, fluid feel to the poem, reflecting the poet's feelings about her identity.
            The significance of the poem’s title is that the author wanted to convey a meaning about the presents that her aunt had brought. It is showing that she was uncomfortable about the things that her aunt gave to her. It symbolizes the author’s confusions about her identity and how she will face these two cultures. Here is a paragraph in which I briefly summarize the poem.
            The author receives a present from her beloved aunt living in Pakistan.  She expected to have a denim and corduroy but unfortunately they sent her a salwar kameez, peacock-blue and glistening like an orange split open, embossed slippers, gold and black points curling. At the school she feels that the fashion in Pakistan has change. Her aunt chooses an apple green- sari silver-bordered for her. She tried each satin-silken top but she was uncomfortable with it, the presents do not fit with the surroundings and thought that she was never as lovely as those clothes she longed for. Thinking that the clothes are wonderful but inadequate or she is not enough for them. Her costume clung to her and aflame, a feeling of extreme embarrassment. In wearing these clothes she feels English more than Pakistani. She wanted to have her parent’s camel-skin lamp-switching on her bedroom because she is both attracted by the aspects of Pakistani culture. Marvel at the colors of beauty and she does know which affects her more powerfully.  Her salwar kammez didn’t impress her school friend and makes her feel different from her peers. Trying to glimpse her or to work out who really she is, finding her true identity because she is unsure about these things.
            There was a conflict, a fractured land and she only knows about her home/ country and she was there of no fixed nationality. She doesn’t feel she belongs entirely too either culture. She stares through fret which separated her from connecting with Pakistan. Sometimes, she saw “Lahore-my aunts shaded rooms screened from male visitors” knowing that the women are treated very differently in Pakistan, but doesn’t know what to feel about. In the end it opens the memories linked with poverty and feels that she does not belong to any one country. She is behind the screen looking out at the Shalimar Gardens. This echoes the image of trying to see herself in the mirror of Pakistani and both instances a complete picture would have been hard to see.
            The author’s purpose of writing this poem is to help readers know and love their own culture to avoid from being uncomfortable or confused about the culture they belong. The poem is about cultural identity and it explores the issue of being torn between two cultures by the poet’s experience of receiving clothing from her aunt in Pakistan. The traditional clothes are described carefully in order to express their difference from British clothing. Another purpose is for us readers to identify our own culture and for those who are in a similar position of the author may find comfort in sharing their own experiences. The most affecting aspect of the poem is the poet's apparent helplessness, for the author seems to give up all hope of changing her situation. It might be helpful to reflect specific events that may have heightened the author’s feeling.
Comparative Analysis
            The two poems that I compared are “Night of the Scorpion” by Nissim Ezekiel and ‘‘Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan’’ by Moniza Alvi. Both poems are in a first person point of view this makes it a lot more personal and makes the reader feel more involved with the author or the poet. The reader feels closer to the action as well and it will make them feel as if they were there and they begin to feel the things that the poet’s felt. It generally makes the
poem seem more intimate. All of these poets have mixed-race backgrounds and all of these poems are linked in with the difficulties arising from having different
cultural backgrounds. Both poems I have chosen are about identity and both use first person narrator to talk about autobiographical experiences.
            Night of the Scorpion” is a poem based on Indian scenario of superstition and poet’s Indian feeling. It represents an incident in the past when the poet’s mother was stung by a scorpion. It is a poetic expression and observation.  The author presents brightly the inner relationship between individual families to the neighboring community and it focus merely in the superstitious belief of the Indian people. The speaker, an adult now in fear of his mother’s love for her children, remembers the time in his childhood. The skill of the poet in this poem is in making it so evocative. It has his characteristic irony, and even a hint of satire. But what catches our attention is the liveliness of the description.
                On the other hand “Presents from my aunts in Pakistan” is a childhood experiences of being separated and confused from two different cultures.  It is a poem consisting emotions. In the first stanza, the author expresses excitement as she lists all of the wonderful things that her aunts have sent her from Pakistan. In the second stanza, she seems down heartened about everything and says, “Never be as lonely as those clothes”. For the rest of the poem she seems confused about her background and unsure about which culture she prefers.

Wuaahahaha., natapos q narin ang poetry Analysis kow' another mission Accomplished!! :D
HApppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee KKKKKkkkkkkoooooooooooww!!!
 K a Y e
Emotions lived by: kayeantonette :*


Character Analysis

Kaye Antonette F. Uba                                                          Contemporary Literature
BSED-English 3                                                                     Prof. Maria Emperatriz Rabat                        
Character Analysis
            The character I have chosen for study is Noah Taylor Calhoun, from Nicholas Sparks great novel, “The Notebook”. He is an interesting character. He displays several qualities which make him an interesting character. He is a traditional, fun-loving, romantic, and respectable guy. He is submissive and is the type of person who would always remain loyal and honest.  Noah is the narrator and the protagonist of the novel. He is a most engaging character who is unimpressed with striving for success no matter what the cost. He is a hard worker in whatever he engages himself, but will never be sucked into a job that keeps him away from nature and the beauty of poetry. He is a good and kind man who fell in love with Allison Nelson (Allie). Noah is a loving son to his father and a good lover to Allie. When the time that they are a part of Allie he never stops loving her.
            I choose to analyze his personality because I really admire his sincerity, determination and great love to Allie. For me, he is the best description of a right man because he never gives up his love for Allie even though their time had passed. He is a man who has his word because he fulfill his promise to Allie that he will buy the abandoned house called The Windson Plantation and the house will be white, with blue shutters, a walk-around porch and a room that overlooks the creek so Allie can paint. For me, when Noah made his promise to Allie it shows how compassionate his love to her and it made me realize that there are still a person who will love you unconditionally without expecting in return. He proved that love never fades even though time made a longest distance between them.
            Noah’s core goal in the story is to help Allie remember their past. As the story begins, it is showing a situation or a scene of two old couple. Unfortunately, the woman, who is Allie, is suffering from dementia, which has stolen her memories. Allie does not recognize their grown children and grand children. Noah read a story from a notebook to Allie in order for her to remember their love story. He insisted to stay with Allie even though their children want him to go home. It is very important to Noah to be remembered by Allie because of love. Noah can’t take to see Allie in her condition. He wants to be with her always even though she doesn’t remember him. The only thing that makes them connected is the notebook that was written by Allie. Noah made a promise to Allie that he will read it to her if she will forget the things about them. He is willing to sacrifice everything in order to be with Allie. I had witnessed in the film the great love of Noah to Allie. They’re maybe old but his love to Allie never changes. His love to Allie transforms him in many ways that I never could imagine.
            The notebook symbolizes the compilation and the things they had been through. It is the thing that Noah used to go back in their love story. It is the instrument used by Noah to retell their love story to Allie and it is the only thing that made them connected to each other.
Everything they had been through is written in the notebook. It is very important to Noah because the notebook is the reflection of their past. Through the notebook Noah gain courage and hope that Allie would remember him and their love to each other. It made him stronger and holds on the possibilities that a miracle would cure the memory of Allie. It builds determination and hope to Noah to hold on their love even though his greatest rival is the illness which affects their love. His love for her never fades.
            The story revolve from present to their past because Noah is just retelling their love story to Allie trough reading the notebook but the problem is that Allie doesn’t have any idea that the characters in the story are her and Noah. This problem only resolves when the time that Noah escaped to his room and secretly went in the room of Allie. Inside the room, Allie is sleeping and Noah is sitting beside her, he talks few words to her and unexpectedly Allie woke up and finally remembered Noah. After their conversation they decided to sleep together. The next morning the nurse finds them in bed together, having both died peacefully holding each other’s hands. It ends showing their hearts in peace and seeing a flock of birds flying away that symbolizes freedom, peace and their happiness together.
            It is a great story that everybody should witness. Words can’t say what love can do. The love story of Noah and Allie proved that even if the mind forgets the heart still remembers, that’s love it doesn’t need anything in return it just giving your love unselfishly. Love surpasses everything.
            I have learned that everything has a reason. The only thing you can do is to patiently wait and never stop hoping because like in the novel, Noah never gives up his love to Allie. He patiently waits and never stops loving her. He proved to her that his love never changes instead it grows deeper and deeper as the years passes by. If I were Noah I would do the same thing because if you really love that person you would wait and fight for that love. Noah is a great man with great love to Allie.
            I admire the personality of Noah because in his entire life the only girl that he truly loves is Allie. It made me amazed of how great his love was. He truly possessed the word of a deserving man to a woman who waits. Their love story is a test of time. A time to wait and a love who waited for the time to be remembered. There are statements that Noah tells to Allie that I will never forget and the two of them were, “I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours,” and “So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday, you and me every day.” These lines stated by Noah mark on my mind because if ever somebody would say it to me I would definitely the happiest person in the world. I wanted to know a person like Noah because he gave his love to Allie unconditionally. It describes that Noah played a big part to Allie’s life from the beginning until the end
            Another interesting character in my study is Harry James Potter the protagonist of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, a half-blood wizard. Harry is the hero in the story. Orphaned as a baby; he is brought up by his aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, maltreated by them, and tormented by their intolerable son, Dudley. Harry grows up to be a timid boy unsure of his abilities. His sudden fame as a wizard at Hogwarts comes not just as a total contrast to his earlier forgotten misery, but as a fate that I feel is very much deserved after his youthful suffering. Yet even after he becomes famous, Harry never loses his modesty and humility. Harry’s role in the story is to continue his destiny and to find the answers about his past. Harry is a great wizard who has this unique ability.  Harry wants to know about his parents and discover who killed them.  He is  one of the most famous wizards in Hogwarts because of it is said that he is the only boy who escaped from death by Lord Voldemort and the living proof is the scar in his forehead. This unsuccessful attempt to vanquish Harry led to Voldemort's first defeat. The secret and the reason why Lord Voldemort failed to kill harry is because of love. Harry was protected by his ability to love, the only protection that can possibly work against the lure power of Voldemort.
             I choose to analyze the character of Harry Potter because I find it very interesting. Harry’s personality is very amazing that every youth should see him as a model because Harry is a person who possesses great courage, humility, strength, determination and a person who treasure his friends very much. Knowing the personality of Harry gives an inspiration to everyone because he truly shows the personality of being a true person who will fight for the right in order to protect his friends and to defend his family. His great adventure travels us in showing that we should not be deceived by power and popularity. Harry is a humble person that would sacrifice his own happiness and even life in order to save, protect and defend the people he loves. And one of the characteristics of Harry that I admire the most is his heart or his ability to love others more than his own.  That in spite of all the temptation he had endured, all the suffering he remains pure heart.
            Harry’s core goal is to find justice in the death of his parents by defeating Lord Voldemort. It is said that the root of all the happenings is death. It started when Lord Voldemort tried to kill Harry because in the prophecy the only person who can kill and oppose his power is Harry but because of great love of Harry’s parents he failed. It is very important to Harry to know the real cause and reason why Lord Voldemort did killed his parents and by defeating him all dark powers would vanish. Harry would sacrifice everything in order to achieve this goal because it is already started and it is destined for him. 
            For me, the symbolism for Harry is his lightning bolt scar in his forehead because this makes him famous and different to other wizard. It is his identity. Harry’s scar is a constant physical reminder of the incident in which both of his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort. The scar perpetually connects Harry to his past. Not only to his traumatic experience with Voldemort, but also to his loving parents who died to protect him. His scar is a visible proof of having survived a great battle and of his destiny to wage more battles in the future. It is this slight imperfection which forever marks him as a hero. It is an important symbol to Harry because this is a reminder that there are forces more powerful than Death itself. Like when it was only through his parent’s love which is the force they use to protect Harry from death.
            Harry only resolves the conflict when he killed Lord Voldemort, as it is said in the prophecy that the only person who can kill Voldemort is Harry. At the very beginning Harry is destined to kill Lord Voldemort and it is the reason why he is fighting and practicing magic in order to defeat the dark Lord. It is he who only knew the whole past of Harry and he is the one responsible of the death of his parents. Through killing Lord Voldemort the destiny of Harry would fulfilled.
            In the long magical journey of Harry I come up to a conclusion that what matters most is not about how powerful and skillful you are as a person but as long as you have good friends and a heart that desire to defend the people he treasures. Harry is a person with courage, determination and strength of heart. Without this he can never fulfill his destiny to fight Lord Voldemort. He has this personality to save people not knowing his own safety. He is a kind of person whom you wanted to meet and became friends.  We have the same personality of Harry and that is treasuring my friends and having this strength of heart. I will do anything that I can do in order to help my friend just like Harry he is willing to help his friends when they are in need. 
            I really admire Harry’s humility because even though he knows that he has this exceptional ability and the destiny to kill the most powerful dark Lord he still showing his modesty to others. That despite of all the great things he had done he still stay as a normal student and just being Harry Potter. If I were in the place of harry Potter I would also choose to have that destiny because without that destiny I would not able to experience being happy with the people who truly cared for me and I was not able to see the good things behind every mystery that unfolds my whole personality. If I am in his place I would also choose to have the scar in the forehead because that what makes me unique and different to others. Through my scar they would recognize me not in the tragic situation happened in my parents but as a person who survived from an inch of death.
            One of the great statements that are stated in the movie that is memorable to me is when Albus Dumbledore states these words to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets, “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”. It means that we should  remember that we all have magic inside of us. The choices that we make lead to actions, either our own or someone else's actions that we choose. All actions have consequences, so it is our responsibility to try to make the right choice in order for us to come up with the right consequences. Our abilities have little to do with choices; it is our choices and our actions that will determine our abilities. Lastly in the great adventure of harry in the story I can say that love is what makes the story goes because without love Harry would not continue his destiny and it is also the thing said by his mother that would only protect him  at beginning of the story. It is the only protection that can possibly work against the lure of power of darkness. As one of the theme in the story aside from death and choosing between good and evil, Love is the most power force in the world”.
            Noah Calhoun Taylor and Harry James Potter similar in terms of valuing something that is very important to them, Noah in pursuing his love to Allie, and Harry in facing his destiny and his battle to death. Noah is a man who has patience to wait for her love and Harry who has a good heart and a person who treasures friendship and humility. They both fight for what their hearts dictates. They differ in their outlook of life because Noah is just waiting for the time that Allie would come back to him when the time that she would finally realized that he is the person he truly loves while Harry is a person who will do the action right away and would not waste time. They are both characters who came in different world, situation, destiny and fate but the only thing that makes them related to each other is that they both believe in dreams. A dream that someday or some ways they will attain their goals and desires. They believe in impossible things that help them grow as a person and develop good relationship to others. In their own unique ways they reflect the different people in terms on how they make a choice and choose their destiny in life.
            The great authors of the two novels are Nicholas Sparks and Joanne Kathleen Rowling, who gives the readers or the viewers find and choose their own characters to be reflected. Both novels attained the interest and give the readers a view of how the world is related to a stage and we are the characters in our chosen play. Nicholas Sparks’s way of writing a story is by his experiences and to the people he met wherein J.K Rowling is very creative in writing a story she conceived the idea for the series on a train trip of a young boy attending a school of wizardry

Weeeeeee, this is my character analysis :) ( hegz kau maghmu ana frend XD hahaha' ningkamut intawn !!).